Johnny Canuck | The Canadian Encyclopedia


Johnny Canuck

Johnny Canuck, a personification of Canada and a member of the same family of figures as John Bull (Great Britain), Uncle Sam (US), and Marianne (France).
Johnny Canuck
Johnny Canuck: Canada's answer to Nazi Oppression, March 1942, artist Leo Bachle, pen, brush and black ink on woven paper (courtesy Library and Archives Canada/C-137065).
Captain Canuck
Captain Canuck was a new superhero (compared to the former Johnny Canuck, who was simply a hero) introduced in 1975 (courtesy Comely Comics).

 Since the 1860s, editorial cartoonists have depicted Johnny Canuck as a wholesome, if simpleminded, young man wearing the garb of a habitant, farmer, logger, rancher or soldier. He is often drawn resisting the blandishments or bullying of John Bull or Uncle Sam. Johnny Canuck is also the name of a Canadian comic-book hero introduced in 1941, a muscular air force captain/secret agent who protected Canadians from the Nazi menace.

The use of such stock figures declined after WWII; however, another comic-book character, Captain Canuck, a superhero instead of just a hero, was introduced in 1975. He wore red tights and "electro-thermic underwear" for warmth and on his forehead sported a red maple leaf.

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