Lac Bienville | The Canadian Encyclopedia


Lac Bienville

Lac Bienville, 1249 km2, elevation 426 m, maximum length 89 km, is located in a sparsely populated region of northern Québec. This elongated lake, dotted with numerous islands, is fed by Lacs Louet and Ossant. It drains west, via the Grande Rivière de la Baleine (Great Whale River), into Hudson Bay.

Bienville, Lac

Lac Bienville, 1249 km2, elevation 426 m, maximum length 89 km, is located in a sparsely populated region of northern Québec. This elongated lake, dotted with numerous islands, is fed by Lacs Louet and Ossant. It drains west, via the Grande Rivière de la Baleine (Great Whale River), into Hudson Bay. The lake was named for Jean-Baptiste Le Moyne, Sieur de Bienville (1680-1767), the younger brother of Sieur d'IBERVILLE. Bienville was under his brother's command during his successful assaults on English fur-trading posts in the bay region in 1697 and 1698.