Ultra Vires-Intra Vires | The Canadian Encyclopedia


Ultra Vires-Intra Vires

Ultra Vires-Intra Vires Ultra vires [Lat, "beyond the powers"] is used in CONSTITUTIONAL LAW by the courts who must decide the respective competences of Parliament and provincial legislatures.

Ultra Vires-Intra Vires

Ultra Vires-Intra Vires Ultra vires [Lat, "beyond the powers"] is used in Constitutional Law by the courts who must decide the respective competences of Parliament and provincial legislatures. If one or the other, in enacting a law, goes beyond the jurisdiction allotted to it by the constitution, the court will declare that measure ultra vires. If not, the court will declare it intra vires [Lat, "within the powers"].

These 2 expressions also apply to Administrative Law, the law of local collectivities, corporate law, etc. Many bodies, eg, municipalities, school boards and corporations, have powers delegated to them by Parliament or provincial legislatures. These delegated bodies may, within their established limits, adopt regulations which, to be valid, must not exceed the limits prescribed by law.