Yahk, BC, Unincorporated Place, population 140 (2011c), 127 (2006c) The community of Yahk is located on the Moyie River near its passage into Idaho State, 65 km southwest of Cranbrook and 40 km east of Creston. In prehistoric times the area was a crossroads, as Interior Salishan people to the south met the Lower Kootenay people from the west via Goat River and the Upper Kootenays. The Dewdney Trail was built on the latter 2 trails in 1865. The modern era began with the establishment of the Crow's Nest Pass Railway (part of Canadian Pacific Railway) in 1898. A large CPR tie-making camp was built close by and the population in the early 20th century numbered about 3000. Closed in 1931, logging, some sawmilling and post-making continues to support the area but to a greatly scaled back extent since the 1960s. Yahk also benefits from its location near the intersection of 2 highways, one of which leads to a border crossing into the United States.
- Sloan, William A.. "Yahk". The Canadian Encyclopedia, 04 March 2015, Historica Canada. www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/yahk. Accessed 11 September 2024.
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- Sloan, W. (2015). Yahk. In The Canadian Encyclopedia. Retrieved from https://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/yahk
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- Sloan, William A.. "Yahk." The Canadian Encyclopedia. Historica Canada. Article published September 03, 2008; Last Edited March 04, 2015.
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- The Canadian Encyclopedia, s.v. "Yahk," by William A. Sloan, Accessed September 11, 2024, https://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/yahk
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Article by William A. Sloan
Published Online September 3, 2008
Last Edited March 4, 2015
Yahk, BC, Unincorporated Place, population 140 (2011c), 127 (2006c) The community of Yahk is located on the Moyie River near its passage into Idaho State, 65 km southwest of CRANBROOK and 40 km east of CRESTON.