Trade | The Canadian Encyclopedia

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    Agricultural Aid

    Agricultural aid is the provision of agricultural products or technology by one nation to another, normally by developed to developing countries. Aid will continue to be required because in many developing countries 4 out of 10 persons are malnourished.

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    Agricultural Marketing Board

    An Agricultural Marketing Board is a statutory body which acts as a compulsory marketing agent, performing or controlling one or more of the functions of marketing on behalf of producers of specific agricultural commodities.

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    Agricultural Products Board

    The Agricultural Products Board was established under the authority of the Agricultural Products Board Act. It was made up of the same members as the Agricultural Stabilization Board. Its broad authority was to buy, sell or import agricultural products.

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    Apprenticeship, as a form of instruction in which a novice learns from a master of a craft or art, has existed for thousands of years.

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    Apprenticeship in Early Canada

    From the Middle Ages or earlier, many trades in France and other European countries organized themselves into communities which came to be known as corporations or guilds.

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    Aquaculture is the human-controlled cultivation and harvest of freshwater and marine plants and animals. Synonyms include fish farming, fish culture, mariculture, fish breeding and ocean ranching.

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    Barter is the exchange of one commodity or service for another without the use of money as a medium of exchange. A barter agreement (also called "countertrade") among countries calls for the exchange of stated amounts of goods.

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    Beaver Pelts

    Beaver pelts were an integral part of the early Canadian fur trade economy.

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    Canada-US Auto Pact

    The Automotive Products Trade Agreement of 1965, better known as the Canada-US Auto Pact, led to the integration of the Canadian and US auto industries in a shared North American market. While it brought great benefits to Canada, it was eventually found to be contrary to international trade rules and was cancelled in 2001. By then it had accomplished its biggest goal — an integrated North American industry with a much stronger Canadian presence.

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    Canadian Free Trade Agreement

    The Canadian Free Trade Agreement (CFTA) is an inter-governmental trade agreement regulating trade within Canada. It took effect on 1 July 2017. The goal of the agreement was to reduce or eliminate regulations against the free movement of goods, services, and investments within Canada. The officials who framed the new deal said they wanted to ensure that Canadian firms got the same access to the Canadian market as firms from the country’s international trading partners. CFTA also more closely matches the terms of the Canada-European Union Comprehensive Economic Trade Agreement (CETA), which began taking effect in 2017.

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    Canadian Wheat Board

    The Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) was an agricultural marketing board headquartered in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Established in 1935, for much of its history it was the sole buyer and seller of Prairie wheat and barley destined for export from Canada or for human consumption in Canada. Referred to as the “single desk,” under this model it was illegal for farmers to sell their grain to anyone other than the CWB. Following a change in government policy, the single-desk model was discontinued in August 2012, and the CWB became a voluntary marketing organization. In July 2015, G3 Global Grain Group purchased a majority stake in the CWB, creating a new firm called G3 Canada Ltd. The company’s headquarters remain in Winnipeg.

    "" // resources/views/front/categories/view.blade.php Canadian Wheat Board
  • Macleans

    Canadians Do Business in Cuba

    This article was originally published in Maclean’s magazine on January 15, 1996. Partner content is not updated. The discussion, says Berukoff, was not exclusively about business. But it is Berukoff's business in Cuba that makes him so intriguing.

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    Capitalism in Canada

    Capitalism is an economic system in which private owners control a country’s trade and business sector for their personal profit. It contrasts with communism, in which property effectively belongs to the state (see also Marxism). Canada has a “mixed” economy, positioned between these extremes. The three levels of government decide how to allocate much of the country’s wealth through taxing and spending.

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    Commodities in Canada

    In commerce, commodities are interchangeable goods or services. Many natural resources in Canada are viewed as commodities. They are a major source of the country’s wealth. Examples of commodities include a barrel of crude oil, an ounce of gold, or a contract to clear snow during the winter. Commodity products often supply the production of other goods or services. Many are widely traded in futures exchanges (see Commodity Trading).

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    Commodity Inspection and Grading

    Commodity Inspection and GradingCanada's AGRICULTURE AND FOOD inspection and grading system has 2 major goals: first, it endeavours to provide standards of quality and grades that are readily recognizable and acceptable in domestic and international commodity and food markets; second, it attempts to encourage concern for safety and nutrition in the processing, distribution and retailing of food products. Both of these objectives contribute to consumer protection. Commodity inspection and grading have a long history in...

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