Associated Manitoba Arts Festivals, Inc | The Canadian Encyclopedia


Associated Manitoba Arts Festivals, Inc

Associated Manitoba Arts Festivals, Inc. Co-ordinating body for Manitoba community arts festivals. It was established in 1961 by R.W. Cooke, J.P. Redekopp, William Sonnichenk, and Vi Streuber as the Associated Manitoba Festivals and incorporated under its new name in 1978.

By 1990, it administered some 38 competition and non-competition festivals in the province. The festivals all retain local autonomy, but rely on the association's resources, co-ordination and administrative support. The association has promoted workshops and concerts in the province's smaller centres, initiated new festivals, and sponsored numerous programs, publications and services including a quarterly newsletter, Focus on Festivals, and adjudicators' training programs. A "provincial highlights" concert has been established as an annual feature. The association is funded by the province and governed by an elected executive and appointed regional representatives. It operates an office in Winnipeg with a paid staff consisting of an executive director and three to five support staff members.