Donnacona (Qué) | The Canadian Encyclopedia


Donnacona (Qué)

History Donnacona had its beginning in 1700 with the building of a paper mill at a site along the river called Fond Jacques-Cartier. A second mill was built in 1815 and a third mill, Donnacona Paper, was built in 1912.

Donnacona (Qué)

 Donnacona, Qué, Town, pop 5564 (206c), 5479 (2001c), inc 1920. Donnacona is about 40 km west of QUÉBEC CITY where Rivière Jacques-Cartier flows into the St Lawrence River.

Donnacona had its beginning in 1700 with the building of a paper mill at a site along the river called Fond Jacques-Cartier. A second mill was built in 1815 and a third mill, Donnacona Paper, was built in 1912. The site was then part of the municipality of Les Écureuils, however, the owners of Donnacona Paper wanted their own community. In 1915 Donnacona separated from Les Écureuils. The name recalls the Iroquoian chief DONNACONA.

The European demand for paper after World War I and continued world demand during World War II secured the livelihood of Donnacona's residents. The town therefore experienced growth during the residential construction boom of the 1950s and 1960s. In 1967 Les Écureuils and Donnacona were reunited.

Present Day
Donnacona is a regional service centre but paper remains an integral part of its economy.