Science & Technology | The Canadian Encyclopedia

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    Victorian Order of Nurses

    Victorian Order of Nurses for Canada is a national, nonprofit, community-health organization that provides nursing care in the home, particularly for the elderly and chronically ill.

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    Virus, the smallest form of life (20-300 nanometres), is structurally and functionally unique. Their size is such that they do not contain enough genetic material to code for the proteins they require for reproduction, nor do they have ribosomes needed to synthesize these proteins.

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    Waste Disposal

    Although the term SOLID WASTE refers to a wide range of discarded materials (from kitchen scraps to mine tailings), the component known as refuse has the greatest potential for environmental contamination.

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    Waste Reduction

    The "3Rs Hierarchy of Waste Management" encourages people to reduce, reuse and recycle before considering other options for solid waste management. Reduction is at the top of the hierarchy because reducing waste (not creating waste in the first place) is the most efficient way to handle waste.

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    Water-Borne Disease

    These organisms usually occur in water contaminated with sewage (eg, especially bird and mammal excrement) or by infected persons or animals.

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    Water Distribution System

    Water Distribution System, a provincially regulated network used to distribute water from a central location to a location of end use.

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    Water Pollution

    Water pollution occurs when discharges of energy or materials degrade the quality of water for other users, including both humans and wildlife. Pollution can affect inland waters such as lakes, rivers and groundwater, as well as coastal marine waters.

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    Water Treatment

    Water Treatment, the physical and chemical processes used to ensure water's quality for its intended use. Minimum standards for drinking water are set by environmental agencies while industries have their own guidelines.

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    W.D. Lawrence

    W.D. Lawrence, 2548 ton square-rigged sailing ship built in 1874 in Maitland, NS. It was designed and built by William Dawson Lawrence, who earned substantial profits from the ship until 1883, when he sold it to a Norwegian.

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    WEATHER FORECASTING is the attempt to understand atmospheric patterns to predict the weather conditions that will occur at a specific place and time, including temperature, wind, cloud, precipitation and humidity.

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    Weather Forecasting

    Most modern meteorologists attempt to cope with physical processes by expressing them mathematically, ie, by creating mathematical models of the atmosphere. Powerful computers are then used to solve problems.

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    Weather Modification

    Weather modification has been used in an attempt to increase rainfall and snowfall, to suppress hail, to clear fogs, to modify tropical cyclones and to suppress lightning. The term "weather modification" is not normally used to describe inadvertent changes in our WEATHER.

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    Weather Observations

       Weather in Canada ranges from the extreme cold of the Arctic to tornadoes and other severe weather in the southern regions; from the storms and fog of the Atlantic to the dry heat and majestic thunderstorms of the prairies.

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    Weights and Measures

    Weights and measures are terms which traditionally referred to standards of mass (or weight), length and volume. Over the past few thousand years such standards have frequently been introduced throughout the world for trading and tax purposes.

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    Weights and Measures: Table

    Weights and Measures: Table Weights and Measures: Table Some Non-SI Units Used in North America Unit Definition SI Value LENGTH nautical mile air & sea measure¹ 1.852 km furlong 220 yd 201.2 m mile 1760 yd 1.609 km arpent 180 Paris feet 58.47 m yard 3 feet 0.9144 m foot 12 inches 0.3048 m inch 1/36 yard 25.4 mm  AREA acre (survey) 4840 sq yards (survey) 4047 m2 acre (commercial) 4000 sq yards (commercial) 3344.51...

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