Politics & Law | The Canadian Encyclopedia

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    Deportation from Canada

    Under the Constitution, the federal government has power, through immigration laws, to remove (or deport) foreign-born people from the country. The conditions for deportation have changed over the years, and deportation has been used for political as well as security purposes. Canadian deportation policy – often controversial – provides a window into the concerns of the state over the course of its history.

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    Deputy Minister

    A deputy minister is generally an officer of the public service appointed as managerial and administrative head of a department or ministry of the federal or provincial governments.

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    Deschênes Commission

    The Deschênes Commission (officially known as the Commission of Inquiry on War Criminals in Canada) was an independent commission of inquiry established by Prime Minister Brian Mulroney. Its purpose was to investigate accusations that alleged war criminals from the Second World War had found refuge and were living in Canada. The commission took a broad approach to its mandate, investigating war crimes as well as crimes against humanity. While war crimes had already been established as a specific kind of crime after the Second World War, crimes against humanity were not as clearly described, and therefore did not have a clear and defined punishment structure. The outcome of this report was to formalize crimes against humanity and create that framework. Specifically, the Criminal Code was amended so that war crimes would be offences under Canadian law regardless of Canada's involvement in said war. A two-part final report was completed and delivered at the end of 1986. The first part concluded that alleged Nazi war criminals were residing in Canada, but also that Canada lacked the legal means to prosecute those individuals. The second part of the report—that concerned with allegations against specific individuals—remains confidential.

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    https://d3d0lqu00lnqvz.cloudfront.net/CanadianCriminalCases2.jpg Deschênes Commission
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    Dionne Case

    Dionne Case (1978), known as Re Public Service Board et al, Dionne et al, and Attorney General of Canada et al.

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    Diplomatic and Consular Representations

    When representation is established by one independent state in the capital city of another independent state, the senior representative is usually an ambassador and the establishment is called an embassy. The term ambassadress has been used to describe a female ambassador.

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    The CONSTITUTION ACT of 1867 provides that any ACT of a provincial legislature must be promptly sent to the GOVERNOR GENERAL and that the governor general-in-council (federal CABINET) may disallow any such Act (wipe it off the statute book) within one year.

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    Arms Control and Disarmament

    Since the 19th century, world powers have discussed arms control and disarmament — that is, reducing, limiting or abolishing certain weapons. They believe that to avoid war, weapons should be reduced in number or eliminated. Countries have sought to ban particularly destructive and inhumane weapons. These include weapons of mass destruction, like chemical, biological and nuclear weapons. (See Canada and Gas Warfare; Canada and Nuclear Weapons.) Conventional arms, like anti-personnel land mines or cluster munitions, have also been controlled. Canada notably led talks on banning the use of land mines. (See Ottawa Treaty.) Canada is a signatory of multiple other arms control treaties, like the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention, and the Chemical Weapons Convention.

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    Distribution of Powers

    Canada is a federal state. This means that the powers and duties of government are split between two levels. There is one national (central, or federal) government and many smaller regional (provincial) ones. The areas of jurisdiction for each level were first outlined at the Quebec Conference in 1864. (See Quebec Resolutions.) They are enshrined in the Constitution Act, 1867. They have been a source of debate and tension between the provinces and the federal government since Confederation. (See Federal-Provincial Relations.) Despite that, this part of the Constitution has remained largely unchanged since then.

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    Doctrine of Discovery

    The Doctrine of Discovery refers to a set of international legal principles largely developed between the 15th and 16th centuries. At its core, the Doctrine maintains that upon discovery of new lands, European nations could acquire the territory and sovereignty over it. However, the territory had to be unknown to Europeans, unoccupied by a Christian prince or inhabited by people Europeans considered “uncivilized.” It serves as the basis of sovereignty for settler nations, such as Canada and the United States. Settler nations are countries with an Indigenous population, but whose government and cultural norms were established by people who moved there from other countries. In addition, the Doctrine created conditions for the legal, political and economic dispossession and subjugation of Indigenous peoples globally.

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    Document Balfour Report 1926

    Selected text of the Balfour Report:The Committee are of opinion that nothing would be gained by attempting to lay down a Constitution for the British Empire.

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    Dominion of Canada

    Dominion of Canada is the country’s formal title, though it is rarely used. It was first applied to Canada at Confederation in 1867. It was also used in the formal titles of other countries in the British Commonwealth. Government institutions in Canada effectively stopped using the word Dominion by the early 1960s. The last hold-over was the term Dominion Day, which was officially changed to Canada Day in 1982. Today, the word Dominion is seldom used in either private or government circles.

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    Dominion Lands Act

    The Dominion Lands Act was a federal law that received royal assent on 14 April 1872. It allowed for lands in Western Canada to be granted to individuals, colonization companies, the Hudson’s Bay Company, railway construction, municipalities and religious groups. The Act set aside land for First Nations reserves. Métis lands were organized by the government outside the Dominion Lands Act, using the scrip system. The Act also set aside lands for what would become National Parks (1883). The Dominion Lands Act devised specific homestead policies to encourage settlement in the West. It covered eligibility and settlers’ responsibilities, and outlined a standard measure for surveying and subdividing land. Some 1.25 million homesteads were made available over an expanse of about 80 million hectares — the largest survey grid in the world. The Act was repealed in 1930, when lands and resources were transferred from the federal government to the provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. From 1870 to 1930, roughly 625,000 land patents were issued to homesteaders. As a result, hundreds of thousands of settlers poured into the region.

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    Dominion Police

    The Dominion Police was originally a small protective force organized by the federal government in 1868 to guard the Parliament Buildings in Ottawa following the assassination of Thomas D'Arcy McGee.

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    Double Majority

    Double Majority, see MACDONALD, JOHN SANDFIELD.

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    Double Shuffle

    After the George-Étienne Cartier-John A. MacDonald ministry in the Province of Canada was forced to resign on 29 July 1858, a Reform ministry was formed under George Brown and A.A. Dorion.

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