Business & Economics | The Canadian Encyclopedia

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    Agricultural Marketing Board

    An Agricultural Marketing Board is a statutory body which acts as a compulsory marketing agent, performing or controlling one or more of the functions of marketing on behalf of producers of specific agricultural commodities.

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    Agricultural Products Board

    The Agricultural Products Board was established under the authority of the Agricultural Products Board Act. It was made up of the same members as the Agricultural Stabilization Board. Its broad authority was to buy, sell or import agricultural products.

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    Agricultural Stabilization Board

    Agricultural Stabilization Board, established under the federal Agricultural Stabilization Act of 1958, is intended to provide income support to producers in periods of depressed market returns.

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    Agriculture and Food

    Canada's agriculture and food industries have changed greatly in the years since the Second World War. Growth in Canada’s economy, and associated social changes, have altered the way food is produced, processed, handled, sold and consumed.

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    Agriculture and Food Policy

    Federal agricultural policy is intended to serve national economic and political goals as well as the interests of those directly involved in and affected by Canadian agriculture - primarily producers, food processors, distributors, retailers and consumers.

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    Agriculture in Canada

    Agriculture is the practice of growing crops and rearing animals mainly for food. Farmers also produce other items such as wool from sheep and CBD oil from hemp plants. In Canada, agriculture is an important industry. Only about 7 per cent of Canada’s land can be farmed. Other marginal (poorer) land can be used to ranch cattle. Aquaculture operations are found on the East and West Coasts and in the Great Lakes. Some crops such as tomatoes, cannabis and flowers are grown in greenhouses in urban centres. Canadian agriculture faces many challenges. Some of these challenges concern crop protection, soil conservation, labour, climate change and health. Click here for definitions of key terms used in this article. This is the full-length entry about agriculture in Canada. For a plain-language summary, please see Agriculture in Canada (Plain-Language Summary).

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    Agroforestry is an intensive land management system that integrates the benefits from biological interactions created when trees or shrubs are intentionally grown with crops or livestock.

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    Air Canada

    The name of the airline was changed by an Act of Parliament from Trans-Canada Airlines to Air Canada in 1964. Under the Air Canada Act of 1977, the airline's charter was brought up to date.

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    Air Canada Award

    The Air Canada Award, presented at the annual Genie Awards from 1980 to 1994, was given for "outstanding contributions to the business of filmmaking in Canada."

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    Air Transport Industry

    As would be expected in a large, thinly populated country, air transport is a very important part of the Canadian economy.

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    For statistical and administrative purposes, the federal government has divided the Canadian airport system into 5 major classes of airports: international, national, regional, local commercial and local.

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    Alberta Heritage Savings Trust Fund

    The Alberta Heritage Savings Trust Fund was established in 1976 by an Act of Legislature with initial resources of $1.5 billion in cash and assets from the General Revenue Fund. Its purpose is to save and invest revenues from Alberta's oil and gas.

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    Alberta Oil Sands Technology and Research Authority

    AOSTRA was merged into the Provincial Ministry of Energy's Oil Sands and Research Division in 1994. The corporation was dissolved in 2000 and its assets and liabilities were vested in the Alberta Science and Research Authority.

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    Alberta Opportunity Company

    Alberta Opportunity Company (AOC), founded in 1972 and merged into the Agriculture Financial Services Corporation in early 2002, was a provincial Crown Corporation with an independent board of directors reporting to the Alberta legislature through the minister of economic development and trade.

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    Alberta Research Council

    The Alberta Research Council, the oldest provincial research organization, was established by order-in-council as the Scientific and Industrial Research Council of Alberta in 1921. Instrumental in founding the organization were J.L. COTÉ, provincial secretary, and H.M.

    "" // resources/views/front/categories/view.blade.php Alberta Research Council